Big banks: Stop fuelling the climate crisis!

Big banks: Stop fuelling the climate crisis!

Here’s the deal: big banks are investing billions in climate-wrecking companies that are harming women and undermining human rights.

Big, polluting fossil fuel companies like Woodside and Santos can't expand without the money to fund their projects - and it's big banks that are giving them the dosh.

From 2016 to 2022:

  • US based Citibank poured a shocking US$90.6bn into fossil fuel financing in the Global South. Citi is the biggest backer of Woodside Energy - Australia's largest oil and gas producer. It also funds Santos, another major Australian oil and gas company, and Total Energies ...

Here’s the deal: big banks are investing billions in climate-wrecking companies that are harming women and undermining human rights.

Big, polluting fossil fuel companies like Woodside and Santos can't expand without the money to fund their projects - and it's big banks that are giving them the dosh.

From 2016 to 2022:

  • US based Citibank poured a shocking US$90.6bn into fossil fuel financing in the Global South. Citi is the biggest backer of Woodside Energy - Australia's largest oil and gas producer. It also funds Santos, another major Australian oil and gas company, and Total Energies - who together are planning a new gas project in Papua New Guinea that would create new emissions equivalent to the whole of Bangladesh and its 169 million inhabitants. 
  • UK based Barclays directed US$29.6 bn to fossil fuels in the Global South. Now, they are set to facilitate US $2 bn in bonds to help Woodside expand in the USA.

There is no room for new fossil fuels in a 1.5 degree future. The Paris Agreement's 1.5 degree goal is a lifeline for Pacific Island women and their communities.

We must put a stop to this financing.

Join us now and call on big banks to step up and stop fuelling the climate crisis.

image of Big banks: Stop fuelling the climate crisis!

Big banks: Stop fuelling the climate crisis!

It’s time to cut off the finance that's fuelling the climate crisis.

Around the world, ActionAid supporters are uniting to call out massive banks' fossil fuel funding. Join us in holding them accountable - sign the petition!

Dear Citibank, Barclays and HSBC:

To #FixtheFinance, we are demanding that you STOP financing oil, gas and coal that harm the planet and violate human rights. 

Banks must have clear targets to stop financing fossil fuels – and soon!

You must improve your standards, monitoring, and enforcement, always respecting communities and Indigenous Peoples.

It's not too late to stand with the women on the frontlines of the climate crisis - and Fund Our Future instead.

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